Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article discusses the motor grader and its operational tests based on the interstate standard GOST standard 11030-2017. The article reveals the commissioning of the grader and provides the features of the commissioning of the grader.

a motor grader, self-propelled machines, operational features of the motor grader, construction machines, acceptance and periodic tests

1. Vavilov, A. V. Dorozhno-stroitel'nye mashiny / A. V. Vavilov, I. I. Leonovich, A. N. Maksimenko. – Mn.: UP “Tehnoprint”, 2000. – 515 s.

2. GOST 11030-2017 Avtogreydery. Obschie tehnicheskie usloviya.

3. GOST 8.326-78 Gosudarstvennaya sistema obespecheniya edinstva izmereniy (GSI). Metodicheskoe obespechenie razrabotki, izgotovleniya i ekspluatacii nestandartizovannyh sredstv izmereniy. Osnovnye polozheniya.

4. GOST 27.410-87 Nadezhnost' v tehnike (SSNT). Metody kontrolya pokazateley nadezhnosti i plany kontrol'nyh ispytaniy na nadezhnost'.

5. GOST 25646-95 Ekspluataciya stroitel'nyh mashin. Obschie trebovaniya.

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