Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Economic evaluation of forest resources is an important component of forest management. It allows determining the economic value of forests and assessing the efficiency of their utilization. Such an assessment takes into account not only direct income from forest use, but also its external effects, such as the favorable impact of forests on the environment, biodiversity conservation, opportunities for recreation and tourism, and others. Forests play a key role in the life of society, so their proper economic assessment and management are essential to ensure sustainable development of forestry and conservation of the natural environment. The article will discuss different approaches to forest resources evaluation such as cost, rent, cost and market approaches. Each of these approaches has its own characteristics and can be applied depending on the specific purpose of valuation. Ultimately, the goal of economic evaluation of forest resources is to ensure sustainable management of forests, to preserve their biological and social importance, and to ensure a balance between utilized and renewable resources. All these aspects require modern methods of analysis and decision-making that take into account the complex interrelationships between economy, ecology and society.

market approach, cost approach, rent approach, forest resources

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