Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses different points of view on the problem of loan words in the Russian language, their advantages and disadvantages. The history of loan words will be covered and examples in the Russian language will be presented. The article also examines the impact of international communication, globalization and technology.

loan words, Russian language, linguistic unit, linguistics

1. Ilunina A. A., Dvornikova L. V., Dubrovina Yu. Yu. Inostrannyy yazyk. Tehnologicheskiy slovar' po tehnologii lesozagotovitel'nyh i drevopererabatyvayuschih proizvodstv. – Voronezh, 2014. – 127 s.

2. Maklakova E. A., Litvinova Yu. A., Ilunina A. A. Osnovy delovoy mezhkul'turnoy kommunikacii. – Voronezh, 2014. – 169 s.

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