Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
It has been established that the forest vegetation of the new planning compartment of the regional natural park «Cape Martyan» is mainly represented by pubescent oak forest with an admixture of Juniperus excelsa M. Bieb. There is a small area (0.9 ha) with a predominance of Arbutus andrachne in the plantation composition. In this regard, scientific interest is not only in the pubescent-oak phytocenoses themselves, but also the species accompanying this stand as part of plant communities with the participation of J. excelsa and A. andrachne. The complete floral composition of the plant communities of this new planning compartment allowed us to assess their structure according to some ecological features, namely: in relation to the modes of moisture and light, according to the main biomorph, according to the structure of shoots and the depth of the root system. In the ecological range of hydromorphs, xeromesophytes predominate in all units, and in the ecological range of ecomorphs in relation to light regime, shade-enduring plants predominate. According to the main life form in plant communities, along with the arborescent stratum, polycarpic grasses prevail, the structure of above-ground shoots shows the supremacy of rosette-free species, and in the spectrum of biomorphs, based on the depth of the root system, taproot species with deep root system are dominant.

forest planning compartment, ecological structure, floral composition, ecomorphs, Republic of the Crimea

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