Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Today, the problem of forest conservation and restoration in the context of progressive climate change and increasing anthropogenic pressure remains relevant. Our works have repeatedly noted that the conservation of the planet's biodiversity continues to be a topical issue, as it is a problem of our time. The development of methods and ways to restore forest communities' stands continues to be a priority in forestry, as forest resources are renewable, but require a fairly long period for restoration. Observations, assessment and control by environmental authorities are necessary, since in a changing climate, the reaction of natural systems leads to negative results, expressed in a decrease in the quality of wood, a change in the species composition. The article presents the results of studies of natural regeneration of forest stands in a protected specially protected natural area affected by human activity. The research work was carried out in the Janj forest, located in the southwestern part of the Republic of Srpska, in old-growth tree stands, the predominant species of which are beech, fir and spruce.

reforestation, dead wood, dead wood, conservation of natural forest ecosystems, primeval forest, decay, protected areas.

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