Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Silvicultural and taxation indicators of forest plantations in the forest districts of the Voronezh region are constantly changing in space and over time, both under the influence of multidirectional processes of natural selection, and in the course of carrying out certain types of economic activities of legal entities or individuals for the use, conservation, protection and reproduction of forests. At the same time, the scale and intensity of activities for the use, conservation, protection and reproduction of forests in each forest area are influenced not only by changing climatic conditions, but also by constantly improving forest legislation, expressed in an increasing number of relevant regulatory legal acts over time, which are also often distant from perfection. In this regard, it is necessary to constantly monitor, state forest control and forest protection in forest districts, but there are not enough forest inspectors for a densely populated and sparsely forested region. We have made an attempt to identify current changes in forestry and taxation indicators of forests in the context of forest districts of the Voronezh region for 2011-2022 and evaluate both positive results and negative trends.

Voronezh region, forest fund, current state and dynamics of forests, average forestry and taxation indicators

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