Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Over the years of evolution, a stable biological system has developed on our planet, the basis of which is biodiversity. The loss of any evolutionary unit means a violation of the integrity of the biological system and leads to irreversible consequences. As a result of anthropogenic impact, there is a reduction in biodiversity, which will lead to the loss of the ability of the biosphere to maintain the environmental qualities necessary for the preservation of human life on our planet. Over millions of years, the biosphere has been modified and restored more than once. But now the question has arisen about whether man, as a species, will exist on planet Earth. This article examines the main factors causing the degradation of ecosystems, provides examples of the destructive impact of humans on nature, leading to the mass extinction of species, as well as examples of nature’s unique ability to revive. It is noted that ecosystem restoration takes a long time, and some species cannot adapt to new extreme conditions and may be lost forever. It is emphasized that the creation of a sustainable environmental policy in the modern world is a primary task for the preservation of all life on the planet and, first of all, for man himself.

biodiversity, ecological crisis, biosphere, ecosystem, habitat, species, natural resources

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