Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Nesting conservatism is of high importance for attracting birds to the forest, as it creates favorable conditions for their reproduction and survival. As a result, the density and species diversity of birds in the forest system increases, which in turn contributes to maintaining biological diversity and ecological balance. Protection of nesting sites also helps to prevent the negative impact of anthropogenic activities on the natural habitats of birds and contributes to the conservation of ecosystems. Nesting conservatism, a phenomenon mainly of an innate nature, allows the bird to be in the area of possible nesting, and with some scattering of individuals, especially females, and is clearly expressed for most bird species: after successful nesting, the birds return to their nesting site next year, where they build new nests or restore their old nest. Birds are important indicators of the state of the environment, as they are very sensitive to various changes occurring in it. The decline in avifauna species diversity may be an early warning sign of more serious environmental problems. Research shows that providing habitual conditions for nesting birds helps to attract a variety of bird species and form a stable population, which should be considered as one of the priorities in protecting forests and preserving their natural balance.

nature, nesting conservatism, biodiversity, environmental protection, avifauna, homing, population, nesting site

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