Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In 2019–2023, eight species of phytophagous bugs (Heteroptera) were identified on Genista tinctoria in former burnt areas in Usmansky Bor (Voronezh Region). Piezodorus lituratus, Lygus pratensis and Adelphocoris lineolatus dominated in 2019–2022. In 2023, due to low winter temperatures and low snow cover, frosting of Genista tinctoria bushes occurred. Lygus pratensis, Adelphocoris lineolatus and Coptosoma scutellatum became dominant. The predatory Nabis ferus is a natural enemy of species of the genera Adelphocoris spp. and Lygus spp.

Heteroptera, Genista tinctoria, burnt areas, complexes of Hemipterans

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