Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
An assessment of the current sanitary condition and biological productivity of plantings of the Prigorodny forestry of the Voronezh region is presented. The reasons for the weakening of tree stands were identified, and a detailed analysis of the planned and carried out sanitary and health measures in weakened and drying plantations was carried out. It was revealed that as the negative impact on plantations increases, the number of trees in the 1st condition category (“without signs of weakening”) decreases significantly and the proportion of trees in the 5th and 6th condition categories (“fresh dead wood and old dead wood”) increases. The influence of disturbance of the territory on the quality indicators of the crown and trunk of trees, which are the most important factors in the aesthetic assessment of pine plantations, is indicated. It was noted that fire-fighting measures, including clearing clearings, installing fire-fighting mineralized strips, installing barriers, as well as others, were exceeded in volume. Despite the fact that the natural conditions are most suitable for pine, it is not in the best state of life. This is due to the presence of a large number of pathogens of this breed. Based on the results of the study, recommendations for the formation of sustainable plantings were developed. It has been proven that, from a forest protection standpoint, it is desirable to create mixed plantings that are more resistant to the effects of pathogens and adverse environmental factors.

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris, L.), condition category, sanitary condition of trees, pathological signs, selective sanitary felling, sanitary measures

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