Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The object of the study was technical liquid lignosulfonates formed during the production of high-yield cellulose from birch chips at the CBP enterprise, and waste from consumption of chipboard. The method for producing carbon sorbents consists in thermochemical pyrolysis of raw materials in the presence of a reagent, potassium hydroxide. In thermochemical pyrolysis of chipboard waste, it is most advisable to use the mass ratio of chipboard: KOH 1:0.2. With a further increase in the proportion of the activating additive, there is no improvement in the sorption characteristics of the sorbent. When using their liquid technical linosulfonates to obtain a sorbent, the optimal ratio of LLS is: The CON is 10:1. At the same time, the iodine capacity increased by 2 times compared to the sample untreated with alkali. The obtained results allowed us to believe that the obtained samples of carbon sorbents are applicable for cleaning gas emissions from CO2.

production and consumption waste, pulp and paper industry, lignin-containing waste, chipboard waste thermochemical pyrolysis, carbon sorbents

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