Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents the results of an assessment of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks to public health from industrial emissions of priority pollutants from operating district thermal power plants RTS–1 - RTS-4 in Zelenograd. An analysis of the production and environmental documentation of thermal power facilities has shown that the priority substances that make the greatest contribution to atmospheric air pollution are nitrogen dioxide, nitric oxide, iron oxide, butyl acetate, as well as benz[a]pyrene, which is a carcinogen. It has been established that in the absence of carcinogenic risk, an acceptable level of non-carcinogenic risk from district heating plants is observed, which does not cause concern. The carcinogenic risk to public health from exposure to benz[a]pyrene at the border of nearby residential areas ranges from 3.9 × 10-11 to 1.0 ×10-10, which corresponds to the minimum risk according to the acceptance criteria. The results obtained can serve as a basis for developing a strategy and making optimal management decisions in the field of atmospheric air protection.

carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks, priority pollutants, thermal power facilities, district thermal power plants

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