Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Awareness of humanity's responsibility to future generations and the environment began to come from the 70s of the 20th century. It is from this time that the term "ecological culture" is often used. Education, education and education play an indispensable role in the formation of environmental culture. Currently, an initiative has emerged to create a strategy for the formation of an environmental culture of citizens of the Russian Federation. An alternative to this strategy may be the adoption of the Federal Law "Environmental Education, Education and Culture". This initiative is timely. Its importance lies in the formation of the ecological culture of society and reorientation to the path of sustainable development. Environmental education should comply with such fundamental principles as universality, continuity, practical orientation, universality, variability, continuity, personal orientation, integration, activity approach, consistency, etc. The formation of a holistic ecological culture of society is a long process and can only be implemented within several generations. The criterion of the formed ecological culture is a responsible attitude towards the environment, self-awareness in the need for rational use of natural resources, awareness of the individual environmental responsibility of a citizen in ensuring sustainable development.

environmental education, environmental education, environmental education, environmental culture, sustainable development

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