Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article discusses the problems and prospects for the development of industries related to deep processing of wood. As well as possible ways out of the existing problems of the industry development.

processing, wood, development, strategy, competition, result, domestic market

1. Strategicheskie celi razvitiya pererabotki drevesiny. – Rezhim dostupa: https://www.vseobumage.ru/3714/.

2. Rossiyskaya gazeta: «Kompanii lesproma uvelichili investicii v glubokuyu pererabotku drevesiny». – Rezhim dostupa: https://rg.ru/2021/09/16/kompanii-lesproma-uvelichili-investicii-v-glubokuiu-pererabotku-drevesiny.html.

3. Chto zhdet rynok drevesiny v Rossii v 2023 godu, kakie perspektivy razvitiya. – Rezhim dostupa: vc.ru/money/724505-chto-zhdet-rynok-drevesiny-v-rossii-v-2023-godu-kakie-perspektivy-razvitiya.

4. LPK Sibiri: «Glubokaya pererabotka drevesiny: v ozhidanii gosudarstvennyh iniciativ». – Rezhim dostupa: https://lpk-sibiri.ru/lpk-forest-industry/glubokaya-pererabotka-drevesiny-v-ozhidanii-gosudarstvennyh-initsiativ/

5. Proizvodstvo i pererabotka drevesiny v Rossii v 2022-2023 godu. – Rezhim dostupa: https://hiterbober.ru/business/proizvodstvo-i-pererabotka-drevesiny.html.

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