Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
According to the currently effective Strategy for the Development of the Forest Complex until 2030 in the territory of the Russian Federation, aimed at increasing the contribution of the forest complex to the socio-economic development of the country, it is necessary to solve such problems as the effective and innovative use and reproduction of forests. Modern trends to improve the environmental friendliness of production and materials for economic activity make the issues of expanding the use of wood, as well as obtaining wood assortments with specified properties, relevant. This becomes possible with the availability of up-to-date information on forest resources in different regions of the country, their properties, as well as the possibility of obtaining them with already predicted characteristics for more rational use. One of the conditions for solving these problems is the need to take into account the patterns of formation of the properties of wood as a material.
wood, annual layer, late wood, coefficient of repetition, ecological conditions, stages of formation of the structure of wood
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