Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 004.942 Исследование поведения объекта на основе его математической модели
The article presents data on the spatiotemporal variability of carbon pools and fluxes in Grey-Luvic Phaeozems and Albic Podzol (Arenic), as well as their various anthropogenic modifications. It was noted that the spatial diversity of CO2 fluxes from the surface of the studied Grey-Luvic Phaeozems and Grey-Luvic Phaeozems Hortic is significantly higher than from the surface of Albic Podzol (Arenic) and Albic Podzol (Arenic, Ochric). It has been established that contamination of Grey-Luvic Phaeozems and Albic Podzol (Arenic) with heavy metals has different effects on the variability of soil CO2 fluxes from their surface. It was revealed that the treatment of Grey-Luvic Phaeozems Hortic with a living culture of Chlorella sorokiniana reduces the carbon intensity of soybean cultivation technology in the conditions of the Kursk region.
soil carbon fluxes, mesoecosystems, Al-Fe-Humus soils, Grey-Luvic Phaeozems Hortic, microalgae
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