Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the principles of sustainable development of companies performing geodetic support in the ESG concept, features of production activities in the field of engineering geodesy, modern means and methods of geodetic support of construction. It is shown that the introduction of modern and promising means and methods of geodetic support of construction in the technology of information modeling of structures (Building Information Modeling), beneficial for business as a long-term competitive model, significantly increases the opportunities for sustainable development of specialized companies. At the same time, the role of surveyors in solving a number of problems becomes decisive, which requires an increase in the level of responsibility, a change in the focus of professional skills not only on information, but also on communication technologies. The possibilities of implementing the ESG concept and the direction of development of engineering and geodetic support in BIM technology are reflected.

construction, geodetic work, information modeling of structures, modern means and methods of geodetic support for construction, ESG concept, BIM technology

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