Russian Federation
UDK 338.28 Отдельные научно-технические планы и проекты, имеющие особое народнохозяйственное значение
The article examines the role of reforestation processes in maintaining the carbon balance of forests in the Russian Federation. The reasons for the disposal of forests are revealed and the costs of reproduction of the natural capital of forest ecosystems are estimated. To address the key challenges of the climate agenda and support sustainable environmental management, it is necessary to significantly increase the pace and scale of ecologically necessary and climate-smart reforestation. Investments from tenants of forest plots are the main source of financing for reforestation activities in the North-Western, Ural, Far Eastern and Central Federal Districts, while in the North Caucasus and Southern Federal Districts reforestation is carried out at the expense of the federal budget.
reforestation, environmental management, financing
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