Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The scientific article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of increasing the quality of forest products by replacing imported products with modern domestic counterparts. The article examines the current state of the use of imported measuring instruments in forestry, their impact on product quality, the efficiency of logging and wood processing. The economic efficiency and potential for economic growth when switching to domestic measurement tools have been analyzed. New measurement methods and their impact on the quality of forest products and the possibility of improving production processes have also been considered. The conclusion presents the results of the study, emphasizing the importance of replacing imported measurement instruments to improve the quality of forest products, achieve economic efficiency, and ensure the development of the forestry sector.

quality of forest products, imported measuring instruments, domestic counterparts, production efficiency, economic efficiency, economic growth, measurement methods, production processes, replacement of imported measuring devices, development of the forestry sector, standardization, certification, metrology, wood processing industry, forestry industry, forest resources, sustainable development, innovations, quality control, production efficiency

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