Russian Federation
Russian Federation
This article discusses the requirements for the discipline "Life safety", which belongs to general professional disciplines and is aimed at teaching the creation of safe working conditions in the workplace. To expand opportunities using a virtual learning environment, an electronic course was created in the Moodle environment, which provides ample opportunities for studying educational material and checking academic performance.
life safety, e-course, Moodle environment
1. Trud i zanyatost' v Rossii. 2023. Statisticheskiy sbornik. Komp'yuternaya verstka Glavnogo mezhregional'nogo centra obrabotki i rasprostraneniya statisticheskoy informacii Federal'noy sluzhby gosudarstvennoy statistiki. Podpisano 27.12.2023 g.
2. FZ № 52 «O sanitarno-epidemiologicheskom blagopoluchii naseleniya» v red. 24.07. 23, st. 8.