from 01.09.1988 until now Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Mo-rozov
Russian Federation
from 01.01.1981 until now Voronezh, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The object of the study is the staircases of a pedestrian crossing located on the territory of an urban settlement. The elements of building structures of staircases are considered, which are taken into account when determining the degree of fire resistance of the pedestrian crossing under study as a linear object. The analysis of the compliance of staircases with the requirements of regulatory documents has been performed. The figures show the placement of the calculated points and illustrate the blocking situation due to loss of visibility. The description of the elements of staircases necessary to determine the maximum degree of fire resistance of the object of protection is performed.
urban settlements, linear object, object of protection, aboveground pedestrian crossing, structural solutions, staircases, fire resistance indicators
1. Sazonova S.A., Sysoev D.V., Sokolova O.A. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie individual'no-potochnogo dvizheniya lyudey iz zdaniya roddoma pri pozhare // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2023. - T. 16. - № 2. - S. 62-74. - DOI: EDN:
2. Sazonova S.A., Sysoev D.V., Sokolova O.A. Imitacionno-stohasticheskoe modelirovanie dvizheniya lyudskih potokov pri evakuacii lyudey iz zdaniya bol'nicy // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2023. - T. 16. - № 2. - S. 48-61. - DOI: EDN:
3. Sazonova S.A., Kochegarov A.V., Akamsina N.V. Modelirovanie vozniknoveniya riskov pri opasnyh usloviyah truda dlya stroitel'nyh organizaciy // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2023. - T. 16. - № 2. - S. 33-47. - DOI: EDN:
4. Kochnov O., Sazonova S., Kochegarov A., Korkunov P., Yemelyanov R. Structural construction optimization of fire protection systems // Modern Problems in Construction. Selected Papers from MPC 2022. Ser. "Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering" 2024. - S. 417-428. EDN:
5. Sazonova S., Kochegarov A., Chernikov E., Mozgovoy N., Akamsina N., Sysoev D., Stenyukhin L. Numerical modeling of the stress-strain state of steel structures of building frames // III international conference on advances in science, engineering and digital education (ASEDU-III 2022). Proceedings of the III international conference on advances in science, engineering, and digital education: as edu-III 2022. Melville, 2024. - S. 020012. - DOI: EDN:
6. Zhidko E.A., Leonov P.M., Popova E.S. Razrabotka modeli identifikacii konfliktnogo komponenta i metoda situacionnogo upravleniya informacionnymi resursami informacionno-telekommunikacionnoy sistemy kriticheski vazhnogo ob'ekta v usloviyah informacionnogo protivoborstva : monografiya. – Voronezh, 2019. – 117 s. EDN:
7. Samofalova A.S., Asminin V.F., Sazonova S.A. Damping of vibration-damping thin-walled steel structures with discrete rubber inserts // Noise Theory and Practice. - 2024. - T. 10. - № 1 (36). - S. 69-81. EDN:
8. Asminin V.F., Druzhinina E.V., Sazonova S.A. Evaluation of the sound insulation properties of a lightweight panel with an internal diamond-shaped structure based on computer modeling of the process of passage and absorption of sound energy in it // Noise Theory and Practice. - 2024. - T. 10. № 1 (36). - S. 82-96. EDN:
9. Asminin V.F., Sazonova S.A., Samofalova A.S. Zaschita ot shuma vibrovozbuzhdennyh tonkostennyh elementov konstrukciy stankov diskretnymi vibrodempfiruyuschimi vstavkami // Izvestiya Tul'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Tehnicheskie nauki. - 2023. - № 12. - S. 161-169. DOI:; EDN:
10. Nikolenko S.D., Sazonova S.A., Asminin V.F. Uluchshenie kachestva materiala promyshlennyh polov dlya povysheniya udarnoy stoykosti pri vozdeystvii mashinostroitel'nogo oborudovaniya // Izvestiya Tul'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Tehnicheskie nauki. - 2024. - № 3. - S. 495-498. DOI:; EDN:
11. Asminin V.F., Sazonova S.A., Samofalova A.S. Eksperimental'nye issledovaniya vibrovozbuzhdennyh tonkostennyh elementov konstrukciy stankov diskretnymi vibrodempfiruyuschimi vstavkami // Izvestiya Tul'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Tehnicheskie nauki. - 2024. - № 3. - S. 525-529. DOI:; EDN:
12. Kolotushkin V.V., Sazonova S.A., Asminin V.F., Kochegarov A.V., Barsukov A.I., Sokolova O.A. Ispytaniya fragmentov svarnyh konstrukciy na soprotivlenie ustalostnomu razrusheniyu // Izvestiya Tul'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Tehnicheskie nauki. - 2024. - № 3. - S. 575-578. DOI:; EDN:
13. Sazonova S.A., A.N. Koshel', Panteleev I.N., Akamsina N.V., Kazbanova I.M., Rylev S.S. Algoritm diagnostiki utechek celevogo produkta v usloviyah neopredelennosti dlya gidravlicheskoy sistemy // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2024. - T. 17. - № 2. DOI:; EDN:
14. Epifanov E.N., Asminin V.F., Sazonova S.A. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie processov v zvukovom pole pomescheniy pri rechevom opoveschenii // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2023. - T. 16. - № 3. - S. 21-30. DOI:; EDN:
15. Asminin V.F., Druzhinina E.V., Sazonova S.A. Modelirovanie i komp'yuternaya vizualizaciya processa prohozhdeniya zvukovyh voln i ih rasseivaniya v oblegchennoy zvukoizoliruyuschey paneli s gofrirovannoy rombovidnoy strukturoy // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2023. - T. 16. - № 3. - S. 7-20. DOI:; EDN:
16. Asminin V.F., Sazonova S.A., Samofalova A.S. Reducing the vibration excitability of a metal plate by applying variable vibrodamping inserts // IX International Conference on Advanced Agritechnologies, Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development. EDP Sciences - Web of Conferences, 2024. – S. 03003. DOI:; EDN:
17. Sazonova S., Asminin V., Zyazina T., Sysoev D., Sokolova O., Osipov A., Lemeshkin A. Load-bearing control of materials and structures of multi-storey frame buildings // AIP conference proceedings. Proceedings of the iv international conference on modernization, innovations, progress: Advanced Technologies in Material Science, Mechanical and Automation Engineering: MIP: Engineering-IV-2022. Melville, 2024. – S. 020028. DOI:; EDN:
18. Sazonova S., Asminin V., Zherdev V., Epifanov E., Venevitin A., Druzhinina E., Korablin S. Engineering and security of the functioning of physical objects with a mass stay of people // AIP conference proceedings. Proceedings of the iv international conference on modernization, innovations, progress: Advanced Technologies in Material Science, Mechanical and Automation Engineering: MIP: Engineering-IV-2022. Melville, 2024. – S. 060013. DOI:; EDN:
19. Sazonova S., Asminin V., Zyazina T., Sysoev D., Barsukov A., Meshcheryakova A., Korablin S. The engineering problem of predicting fire spread in facilities with a mass stay of people // AIP conference proceedings. proceedings of the iv international conference on modernization, innovations, progress: Advanced Technologies in Material Science, Mechanical and Automation Engineering: MIP: Engineering-IV-2022. Melville, 2024. – S. 060014. DOI:; EDN:
20. Nikolenko S., Sazonova S., Asminin V., Chernikov E., Kurchenkova T., Sysoev D., Glazkova M. Inspection of industrial building load-bearing structures for defects // AIP conference proceedings. proceedings of the iv international conference on modernization, innovations, progress: Advanced Technologies in Material Science, Mechanical and Automation Engineering: MIP: Engineering-IV-2022. Melville, 2024. – S. 060015. DOI:; EDN: