from 01.09.1988 until now Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Mo-rozov
Russian Federation
from 01.01.1981 until now Voronezh, Russian Federation
The object of the study is a pedestrian crossing located on the territory of an urban settlement. The external fire-fighting water supply of a pedestrian crossing located in a populated area is being considered. The fire-fighting water supply of the construction site and driveways, entrances for fire equipment, equipment are considered.
fire-fighting water supply, urban settlements, linear object, object of protection, aboveground pedestrian crossing, design scheme, equipment
1. Sazonova S.A., Sysoev D.V., Sokolova O.A. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie individual'no-potochnogo dvizheniya lyudey iz zdaniya roddoma pri pozhare // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2023. - T. 16. - № 2. - S. 62-74. - DOI:; ; EDN:
2. Sazonova S.A., Sysoev D.V., Sokolova O.A. Imitacionno-stohasticheskoe modelirovanie dvizheniya lyudskih potokov pri evakuacii lyudey iz zdaniya bol'nicy // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2023. - T. 16. - № 2. - S. 48-61. - DOI:; ; EDN:
3. Sazonova S.A., Kochegarov A.V., Akamsina N.V. Modelirovanie vozniknoveniya riskov pri opasnyh usloviyah truda dlya stroitel'nyh organizaciy // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2023. - T. 16. - № 2. - S. 33-47. - DOI:; ; EDN:
4. Kochnov O., Sazonova S., Kochegarov A., Korkunov P., Yemelyanov R. Structural construction optimization of fire protection systems // Modern Problems in Construction. Selected Papers from MPC 2022. Ser. "Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering" 2024. - S. 417-428.; EDN:
5. Sazonova S., Kochegarov A., Chernikov E., Mozgovoy N., Akamsina N., Sysoev D., Stenyukhin L. Numerical modeling of the stress-strain state of steel structures of building frames // III international conference on advances in science, engineering and digital education (ASEDU-III 2022). Proceedings of the III international conference on advances in science, engineering, and digital education: as edu-III 2022. Melville, 2024. - S. 020012. - DOI:; ; EDN:
6. Sotnikova O.A., Zhidko E.A. Problemy utilizacii othodov proizvodstva ekologicheski opasnyh i ekonomicheski vazhnyh ob'ektov CChR i puti ih resheniya // Biosfernaya sovmestimost': chelovek, region, tehnologii. – 2017. – № 3 (19). – S. 11-20.; EDN:
7. Samofalova A.S., Asminin V.F., Sazonova S.A. Damping of vibration-damping thin-walled steel structures with discrete rubber inserts // Noise Theory and Practice. - 2024. - T. 10. - № 1 (36). - S. 69-81.; EDN:
8. Asminin V.F., Druzhinina E.V., Sazonova S.A. Evaluation of the sound insulation properties of a lightweight panel with an internal diamond-shaped structure based on computer modeling of the process of passage and absorption of sound energy in it // Noise Theory and Practice. - 2024. - T. 10. № 1 (36). - S. 82-96.; EDN:
9. Asminin V.F., Sazonova S.A., Samofalova A.S. Zaschita ot shuma vibrovozbuzhdennyh tonkostennyh elementov konstrukciy stankov diskretnymi vibrodempfiruyuschimi vstavkami // Izvestiya Tul'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Tehnicheskie nauki. - 2023. - № 12. - S. 161-169.; DOI:; EDN:
10. Nikolenko S.D., Sazonova S.A., Asminin V.F. Uluchshenie kachestva materiala promyshlennyh polov dlya povysheniya udarnoy stoykosti pri vozdeystvii mashinostroitel'nogo oborudovaniya // Izvestiya Tul'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Tehnicheskie nauki. - 2024. - № 3. - S. 495-498.; DOI:; EDN:
11. Asminin V.F., Sazonova S.A., Samofalova A.S. Eksperimental'nye issledovaniya vibrovozbuzhdennyh tonkostennyh elementov konstrukciy stankov diskretnymi vibrodempfiruyuschimi vstavkami // Izvestiya Tul'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Tehnicheskie nauki. - 2024. - № 3. - S. 525-529.; DOI:; EDN:
12. Kolotushkin V.V., Sazonova S.A., Asminin V.F., Kochegarov A.V., Barsukov A.I., Sokolova O.A. Ispytaniya fragmentov svarnyh konstrukciy na soprotivlenie ustalostnomu razrusheniyu // Izvestiya Tul'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Tehnicheskie nauki. - 2024. - № 3. - S. 575-578.; DOI:; EDN:
13. Sazonova S.A., A.N. Koshel', Panteleev I.N., Akamsina N.V., Kazbanova I.M., Rylev S.S. Algoritm diagnostiki utechek celevogo produkta v usloviyah neopredelennosti dlya gidravlicheskoy sistemy // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2024. - T. 17. - № 2.; DOI:; EDN:
14. Epifanov E.N., Asminin V.F., Sazonova S.A. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie processov v zvukovom pole pomescheniy pri rechevom opoveschenii // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2023. - T. 16. - № 3. - S. 21-30.; DOI:; EDN:
15. Asminin V.F., Druzhinina E.V., Sazonova S.A. Modelirovanie i komp'yuternaya vizualizaciya processa prohozhdeniya zvukovyh voln i ih rasseivaniya v oblegchennoy zvukoizoliruyuschey paneli s gofrirovannoy rombovidnoy strukturoy // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2023. - T. 16. - № 3. - S. 7-20.; DOI:; EDN:
16. Asminin V.F., Sazonova S.A., Samofalova A.S. Reducing the vibration excitability of a metal plate by applying variable vibrodamping inserts // IX International Conference on Advanced Agritechnologies, Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development. EDP Sciences - Web of Conferences, 2024. – S. 03003.; DOI:; EDN:
17. Sazonova S., Asminin V., Zyazina T., Sysoev D., Sokolova O., Osipov A., Lemeshkin A. Load-bearing control of materials and structures of multi-storey frame buildings // AIP conference proceedings. Proceedings of the iv international conference on modernization, innovations, progress: Advanced Technologies in Material Science, Mechanical and Automation Engineering: MIP: Engineering-IV-2022. Melville, 2024. – S. 020028.; DOI:; EDN:
18. Sazonova S., Asminin V., Zherdev V., Epifanov E., Venevitin A., Druzhinina E., Korablin S. Engineering and security of the functioning of physical objects with a mass stay of people // AIP conference proceedings. Proceedings of the iv international conference on modernization, innovations, progress: Advanced Technologies in Material Science, Mechanical and Automation Engineering: MIP: Engineering-IV-2022. Melville, 2024. – S. 060013.; DOI:; EDN:
19. Sazonova S., Asminin V., Zyazina T., Sysoev D., Barsukov A., Meshcheryakova A., Korablin S. The engineering problem of predicting fire spread in facilities with a mass stay of people // AIP conference proceedings. proceedings of the iv international conference on modernization, innovations, progress: Advanced Technologies in Material Science, Mechanical and Automation Engineering: MIP: Engineering-IV-2022. Melville, 2024. – S. 060014.; DOI:; EDN:
20. Nikolenko S., Sazonova S., Asminin V., Chernikov E., Kurchenkova T., Sysoev D., Glazkova M. Inspection of industrial building load-bearing structures for defects // AIP conference proceedings. proceedings of the iv international conference on modernization, innovations, progress: Advanced Technologies in Material Science, Mechanical and Automation Engineering: MIP: Engineering-IV-2022. Melville, 2024. – S. 060015.; DOI:; EDN: