Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
The paper develops the formal approach to the analysis of the state program “Forestry Development” undertaken by the authors in the previous articles. The focus of attention in the paper is on the analysis of the series of planned values of target indicators in the original version of the state program. It was found that the developers of the state program relied on a linear model, and the series of planned values are approximated by a linear function with values of the coefficient of determination, which are almost equal to one. The frequency of values of the trend line slope, brought to a comparable form, is revealed, and it is shown that the main line of planning within the framework of preparation of the first version of the state program assumed growth rates of target indicators values at the level of up to 10 percent.
target indicator, state program, forestry development, system of indicators, planned value, series of planned values of indicator, trend line slope, linear model
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