Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the main trends of digital technologies and their impact on the development of technological innovation processes in the economy, defining the criteria for their functioning. But technological innovations in the last 2-3 years have become turbulent for both the Russian and global economies. Therefore, it has become very important to keep abreast of the pulse and understand what the main challenges the business is facing. The focus on import substitution is a great opportunity to create new domestic solutions in a wide variety of fields. In the rapidly changing situation of the present time, which has affected all segments of the economy, it is important to act promptly, harmoniously and effectively – to find and test new approaches, test hypotheses and implement innovative solutions. Innovation has been and remains an important driver of the company's success. Product research helps to see the market map holistically, the main pains and trends, to understand what approaches corporations use, how they overcome difficulties by adjusting their strategies. It is important to hear and understand the consumer, the customer, and the market as a whole, its goals, objectives, needs here and now, in order to make the right and most informed decisions.

digitalization, economics, technological innovations, improvement, resources, sustainability

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