Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Energy consumption on the planet is growing and will continue to grow. Maintaining the generation structure by fuel type is impossible without serious environmental consequences. This fact has given rise to several types of alternative fuels, the task of which is to provide an increase in generation, while reducing the carbon footprint. For each type of transport in each region, it is necessary to conduct a comparative analysis between types of alternative fuel to select the best one - from both an economic and environmental point of view. At the same time, calculations of emissions of carbon dioxide and its equivalents must be carried out taking into account the well-to-wheel methodology in accordance with the current Russian state standard.

alternative fuel, carbon footprint, carbon units, carbon neutrality

1. Energy institute. Resources and data downloads. – URL: https://www.energyinst.org/statistical-review/resources-and-data-downloads.

2. International Energy Outlook 2023. – URL: https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/ieo/.

3. GOST R 57262-2016 «Raschet i deklarirovanie energopotrebleniya i vybrosov parnikovyh gazov pri predostavlenii transportnyh uslug».

4. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 26 oktyabrya 2023 g. № 812 "Ob utverzhdenii Klimaticheskoy doktriny Rossiyskoy Federacii".

5. Federal'nyy zakon "Ob ogranichenii vybrosov parnikovyh gazov" ot 02.07.2021 N 296-FZ.

6. https://vipo.iea.org/weo/weomodel/sds/.

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