Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Formation of conditions for sustainable development is relevant today for any organization, since to ensure competitiveness it is important to direct the vector to the constant maintenance of economic development, which in turn characterizes the current state of the country's economy and gives an idea of future development prospects. In modern realities, the sustainable functioning of the organization is, first of all, a guarantee of the balance of the economic system, as well as a key factor in the food independence of the state. Thus, today, more and more organizations are turning to the concept of sustainable development and integrating it into their activities. However, in Russia, the concept of sustainable development had no relevance for a long time, as many organizations had lost their potential. Currently, the concept of lean manufacturing is gaining popularity. If organizations do not adopt the concept, it is possible to be late and fail to keep up with the modern trends of modern business development.

sustainable development, organization, sustainability, triune concept, sustainable growth, economy, ecology

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