Russian Federation
Voronezh, Russian Federation
This article examines the importance of the green economy as a key factor for ensuring economic security and sustainable development. Describes the role of the green economy in reducing dependence on oil resources, ensuring stability in world markets, as well as creating new jobs and stimulating economic growth. The article highlights the importance of investing in green projects and technologies for sustainable development and ensuring economic security in the face of changes in global markets. The prospects and opportunities for developing a green economy to create a sustainable and prosperous future are noted, and also emphasizes the need for cooperation between government agencies, business and the public for the successful implementation of green principles and practices. The article calls for active work to develop a green economy as a key element of our path to sustainable development and well-being on the planet.
green economy, economic security, environmental issues, green technologies, sustainable development
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3. Hamzina, Sh. Sh. Osnovy zelenoy ekonomiki : uchebnoe posobie / Sh. Sh. Hamzina, K. H. Shadiev. – Moskva : Pervoe ekonomicheskoe izdatel'stvo, 2020. – 244 s. – ISBN 978-5-91292-359-3. – Tekst : elektronnyy // Lan' : elektronno-bibliotechnaya sistema. – URL: DOI:; EDN:
4. Razvitie ekologicheskogo zakonodatel'stva i opyt pravovogo regulirovaniya «zelenoy» ekonomiki v Rossii i Evropeyskom soyuze : monografiya / pod obsch. red. M. A. Egorovoy. – Moskva : Prospekt, 2023. – 169 s. – ISBN 978-5-392-37380-2. – Tekst : elektronnyy // Lan' : elektronno-bibliotechnaya sistema. – URL:
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7. Bespal'ko, N. E. «Zelenye» tehnologii kak faktor obespecheniya ekologicheskoy i sanitarnoy bezopasnosti cheloveka : uchebnoe posobie / N. E. Bespal'ko, A. V. Kozachek. – Tambov : TGTU, 2021. – 152 s. – ISBN 978-5-8265-2410-7. – Tekst : elektronnyy // Lan' : elektronno-bibliotechnaya sistema. – URL: