Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The possibility of using the indicator of phytotoxic activity of the soil for bioindication of the state of urban recreations of different environmental categories: located in the suburbs and in the center of Voronezh (including near transport interchanges) is evaluated. In urban recreation areas surrounded by busy highways, the indicator values exceed the regional background by 3-4 times, and the urban background by 1.5-2 times. The observed effect was not associated with acidification of urban soils; in the city center, a decrease in all types of acidity by 1-1.5 pH units was observed. The environmental status of recreation areas did not have a noticeable effect on the determined bioindication indicator due to constant violations of the use regime. The contribution of abiotic and biogenic factors in the development of soil phytotoxicosis requires additional research.

bioindication, recreational areas of the city, phytotoxic activity of the soil

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