Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The work briefly presents the material obtained during field work on the estate N.K. Roerich of the village of Izvara, the subject of scientific interest of a group of volunteer researchers was the picture of the state of the biogeocenosis and individual ecotopes of the territory with the status of protected areas in the anthropogenic zone. The territory is significantly removed from similar recreational sites with similar species diversity. An overview of the preliminary results is given, assumptions are made, and photographic material with a descriptive part is posted. The topics of monitoring mycoses, bacterioses (including invasive) of tree stands, and methods of spreading over long distances by stem and leaf-eating, sucking insect species were raised. On the other hand, issues of preserving Tilia europaea L. (TKN) have been raised by lowering the crown and installing systems for strengthening the trunk and stabilizing the crown.
monitoring, biogeocenosis, opheostomosis, mycoses, bacteriosis, invasive species
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