Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The main component of urban spaces are natural territories within the water-green framework of the city. The most significant are urban parks designed for free time, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Park areas play important roles in creating a comfortable environment for human activity, improve the microclimate of the territory and normalize the temperature and humidity of the air. Therefore, it is necessary to pay great attention to the restoration, preservation and development of urban parks. The presence of water bodies in the territories of parks increases the recreational function of the parks themselves, since the most preferred among the urban population is to rest by the water in the warm season, it also improves microclimatic, sanitary and hygienic conditions. Therefore, the architectural and landscape organization of coastal territories of natural or artificial reservoirs on objects of landscape architecture is currently relevant.

urban park, architectural and landscape organization, pond, landscaping, landscaping, vegetation assortment, rain garden

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