Russian Federation
UDK 57.04 Факторы. Воздействия
This article substantiates the relevance and feasibility of creating protective plantations along the A-291 "Tavrida" highway, which runs between the cities of Kerch and Simferopol (Crimean Peninsula). We analyzed a number of adverse factors that have a complex negative impact on the adjacent territories, which is associated with the lack of a unified system of protective belts. Requires protection from wind, soil erosion, snow retention, sand retention, protection from noise, dust and gas. They presented a list of activities for the implementation of the project: to study the climatic conditions of the area, determine the species composition and condition of existing vegetation, conduct soil analyzes, select the appropriate design and select an assortment for the formation of sustainable plantings, develop a system of agrotechnical measures and calculate the costs of all design solutions.
protective afforestation, forest reclamation, protective plantings, gardening, environmental protection, Crimea
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