Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article describes the hydrangea paniculate (Hydrangea paniculata, Siebold) common varieties softwood cuttings rooting results in the Voronezh region woody ornamental nursery. According to the final calculations, the leading rooting varieties are 'Wim's red' – 95%, `Skyfall` - 84,4 %, `Mojito`- 80,7 %, `Polestar` - 80% and `Phantom` - 75,8 %. The most winter hardiness was shown by 'Wim's red' – 93,3% and `Polar Bear`- 82,7% varieties. The best parameters of the root system are seen in 'Wim's red': the first order roots total length – 244.7 cm, first order roots average length index – 5.4 cm. This variety is ahead of other varieties by 39-57% in terms of average root length and by 39-76% in total root length. The data obtained during the study indicate an uneven traits distribution in experimental varieties, but most of them have a high reproduction coefficient (0.6 or more), which indicates the Hydrangea paniculata varieties softwood cuttings reproduction method effectiveness. It is necessary to continue research, varying the harvesting cuttings period. The article is written in English.

ornamental shrubs, Hydrangea paniculata, vegetative reproduction, softwood cuttings, rooting

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