Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Nature is amazing and diverse. Nature is called the fifth Gospel. Nature teaches, heals, inspires. Natural diversity depends on geophysical, climatic, environmental, and anthropogenic factors. Man has always tried to conquer and tame the elements, decorate the surrounding space, and cultivate the original biological species. The desire for beauty in union with nature is very useful and saving for humanity. Forests and forests, gardens and parks, squares and groves, front gardens and arboretums, alleys and nurseries, rose gardens and lawns, flower beds and flower beds - the abundance of flora with which people surround themselves, which invigorates, pleases, calms, heals, and restores strength. Nikitsky Botanical Garden is a unique scientific center and at the same time an open-air museum, existing for more than 200 years, containing a collection of 16 thousand species and forms of plants.

Nikitsky Botanical Garden, southern coast of Crimea, biodiversity

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