Russian Federation
Forests have recently received significant attention in the context of climate change. Forests play a key role in balancing society's needs for wood products and protecting the environment by increasing net carbon emissions by sequestering land-based carbon sinks that remove atmospheric CO2. The sustainable area of managed forests in 2023 was 187 million hectares and is increasing by 4.5 million hectares per year worldwide. One forest management technique, selecting elite trees can improve forest growth, providing an effective way to remove more atmospheric CO2. Carbon sequestration is best achieved by growing young trees and processing the forest through harvesting, and tree planting is important. Paper recycling plays an important role in preventing landfills from filling up, which leads to fatal emissions of one of the greenhouse gases, methane, to conserve natural resources and reduce the amount of electricity used in paper production to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The main goal of the study is to increase recycling of waste paper to reduce deforestation.
waste paper processing, secondary raw materials, recycling, forest conservation, paper
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