Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
The main problem of preserving biodiversity in the forest fund is the implementation of environmental monitoring with the study of the species structure of forest plantations, intraspecific, form and genetic diversity of the main forest-forming species. In order to determine the level of diversity and its dynamics, it is necessary to study artificial pine plantations throughout their entire life. The level of individual, intraspecific and genetic variability in regional and local populations is directly related to their adaptive ability to changing environmental conditions, resistance to pests and diseases, thereby determining the viability and longevity of each tree. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is a widespread and economically valuable forest coniferous species, the planted area of which in the forest fund of the Russian Federation is 119,493.1 thousand hectares. Historically, the forests of the Khrenovsky pine forest are represented by single- and multi-aged, single- and multi-tiered, simple and complex plantings of artificial and natural origin, which are dominated by Scots pine. Over the years, they have all been the objects of diverse scientific research. Comprehensive studies in middle-aged and ripening forest plantations of Scots pine, created by hand planting 2-year-old seedlings with an open root system under a shovel or Kolesov's sword and growing in specially protected natural areas in Khrenovsky Bor, are fully consistent with the directions of research work of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «VSFLTU named after G.F. Morozova».
Khrenovsky pine forest, Scots pine, growth, productivity
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