Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article discusses the basic principles of combining furniture in the interior. Basic compositional rules are listed that should be taken into account when planning the furnishings of an apartment or house. Interior combinations of textures that work best are considered. The most successful color combinations and combination techniques are given, which will allow things of different designs to look holistically in the overall interior.
compositional rules, interior, combination, style, furniture
1. Kak sochetat' mebel' raznyh stiley: principy, pravila i varianty s unikal'nymi foto-primerami. – URL: - Zagl. s ekrana.
2. Mebel' v raznyh stilyah: kak sochetat'? – URL: - Zagl. s ekrana.
3. 9 sovetov, kak sochetat' mebel' i dekor iz raznyh stiley. – URL: - Zagl. s ekrana.
4. Sochetanie mebeli v inter'ere: 6 bazovyh principov i varianty kombinaciy. - URL: - Zagl. s ekrana.
5. Sochetaemost' ottenkov mebeli v odnom pomeschenii - kak pravil'no podbirat' predmety myagkoy mebeli po cvetu, stilyu i vliyaniyu cveta na psihiku. – URL: - Zagl. s ekrana.