Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
The advantages and disadvantages of serial cultivators and the impact on their effectiveness of the used attachments of the agricultural tractors are analyzed. The results of theoretical work by domestic and foreign researchers aimed at im-proving the designs of both cultivators themselves and attachments, and tractor systems are presented. It has been revealed that forest disc cultivators are equipped with insufficiently reliable overload protection, which leads to an unreasonably low durability of these tools. It has also been established that the traditional designs of attachments used in tractors operated in conditions of logging and harem do not provide the necessary indicators of the quality of tillage, as well as the reliability of forest disc cultivators.
forest disc cultivators, reliability, instantaneous centers of rotation, tractor attachments, attachments, hydraulic drives, recovery
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