Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work carried out a multidimensional analysis of hydraulic manipulators of forest machines, a graph of factor loads was derived, the relationship of the main characteristics was reflected, it was found that the determining influence on the choice of a machine, depending on the general concept of the entire technological process as a whole, is exerted by the mass-power characteristics of the unit and technological features of operation. Based on the analysis, the most versatile hydraulic manipulators have been identified, which are maximally adapted to solv-ing the set technological tasks in specific operating conditions.

forest manipulators, analysis, comparative characteristics, hydraulic drive

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6. Chetverikova I.V. Saving hydraulic drive of the grapple slewing gear in timber transport machines and improvement of its work processes / I.V. Chetverikova, P.I. Popikov // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. International scientific and practical conference «Forest ecosystems as global resource of the biosphere: calls, threats, solutions» (Forestry-2019). 2019. S. 012067.

7. Chetverikova I.V. K voprosu sovershenstvovaniya gidroprivoda beschokernogo trelevochnogo zahvata / I.V.Chetverikova, S.V. Zimarin, A.V. Burdykin // Povyshenie effektivnosti lesnogo kompleksa : materialy Sed'moy Vserossiyskoy nacional'noy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem. Petrozavodsk, 2021. S. 197-199.

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