Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The life and creative path of the recognized scientist-forester, teacher-mentor, patriot, participant of the Great Patriotic War, Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ageevich Bugaev in connection with the 100th anniversary of his birth is briefly considered.

Voronezh Forestry Engineering Institute (Academy), Head of the Department of Forest Taxation and Forest Management, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Vladimir Ageevich Bugaev, 100th anniversary

1. Professoru V.A. Bugaevu – 60 let / kaf. lesn. taksacii i lesoustroystva Voronezh. lesotehn. in-ta // Izv. vuzov Lesn. zhurn. – 1985. – № 1. – S. 137.

2. O prisvoenii pochetnogo zvaniya «Zasluzhennyy lesovod RSFSR» : [ukaz Prezidiuma Verhovnogo Soveta RSFSR]. – 1987. – № 31. – S. 724-726.

3. Bugaev Vladimir Ageevich : bibliogr. / sost. V.N. Pashkut, S.P. Parinova, L.E. Sysoeva. – Voronezh, 1994. – 44 s.

4. Melua, A.I. Rossiyskaya Akademiya estestvennyh nauk : enciklopediya / A.I. Melua ; pod red. O.L. Kuznecova ; VNIIClesresurs. – M.: Gumanistika, 1998. – 704 s.

5. Sovremennaya Rossiya. Lica Rossii. – URL: http://www/2llrusinfo/obi/main.php.

6. Bugaev Vladimir Ageevich : bibliogr. posobie. / sost. : M.P. Chernyshov, O.N. Ushakova, S.N. Goncharova. – Voronezh, VGLTA, 2004. 87 s.

7. V.A. Bugaev – stareyshiy pedagog i uchenyy VGLTA (k 80-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya) / V.K. Popov, M.P. Chernyshov // Izv. Vuzov. Lesn. zhurn. – 2004. – № 6. – S. 135, 136.

8. Vladimir Ageevich Bugaev : bibliogr. posobie / sost. : M.P. Chernyshov, O.N. Ushakova, A.I. Revin ; otv. red. N.A. Batrak. – Voronezh, 2009. – (Uchenye VGLTA). – S. 137.

9. K 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya V.A. Bugaeva / A.N. Smol'yanov, M.T. Serikov, A.N. Revin, A.L. Musievskiy, M.P. Chernyshov i dr. // Lesotehnicheskiy zhurnal. – 2014. – № 3. – S. 7-8.

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