Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Russian Federation
The key problem of forestry is the deterioration of the sanitary condition of plantations, which de-termines the need for forest protection measures in the form of sanitary logging. The purpose of the study is to obtain new information about the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of forest ecosystems, to assess the sanitary condition of plantations of the main forest−forming species of the Republic of Crimea, as well as to analyze the growth and development of plantations in the Alushta forestry. In the course of the work, 4 sample areas were laid, on which the forestry and taxation in-dicators of the plantation were studied in detail and analyzed. The studied plantings are not inhabit-ed by harmful organisms and are not infected with diseases. The paper evaluates the current state and makes a forecast for the growth and development of stands of Oriental beech and Crimean pine after conducting selective sanitary logging (HRV). After the planned sanitary felling, dry–hardy trees will be completely removed, healthy trees will make up about 2% of the total stock, and weak-ened ones - about 60%. The weighted average value of the sanitary condition of the plantings is 2.35...2.49 points; all plantings will be classified as "weakened". It is recommended that timely sanitary and health measures be carried out in the form of selective sanitary logging of low intensity (10%) in the Alushta district forestry in quarter 21, allotment 24 and 26, as well as in the Zaprudensky district forestry in quarter 22, allotment 4. For intensive growth and development of planta-tions, as well as an increase in their growth, it should be carried out logging of care in Zaprudnenskoye district forestry in block 22, allotment 8.
sanitary condition, taxation, oriental beech, Crimean pine, growth and development of plantings
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