Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
A brief history of the development of Russian forest management, including the Voronezh province and the stages of formation of the Voronezh School of forest Managers, is considered. The versatile role of forest management in modern perspective forest planning and in the design of measures in the field of use, protection, protection and reproduction of forests is shown. The relationship between the prescription of forest management with the reliability of forest taxation materials and the completed forest management designs based on the classic 10-year revision period has been established. A brief overview of the content of the textual, attributive cartographic and tabular parts of forest management materials and their planned digitalization is given. Amendments to the current version of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation (2006) and the Forest Management Instruction (2022) are proposed.
Forest management, regulatory legal acts, forest management instructions, longterm forest planning
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