Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The relevance of the research is due to the demand for birch wood on the market and the lack of recommendations on the use of modern herbicides for its care. The purpose of the research was the selection of selective herbicides and the development of regulations for their use in lightening and agrotechnical care of birch. The effect of the herbicides magnum, magnum super, mortar and anchor-85 on birch, as well as on weedy (undesirable) vegetation, was studied in the field. Magnum preparations at the rates of 100, 200 and 300 g/ha and magnum super at the rates of 100 and 200 g/ha provided effective sup-pression of broad-leaved species of grasses and undesirable tree species – willow, aspen, gray alder and rowan. The natural regeneration of birch has shown high resistance to these herbicides. A single chemical care by spraying ensures the formation of birch stands. According to the research results, the herbicide mortar and anchor-85 are not recommended for birch care.
birch trees, chemical care, herbicides, magnum, magnum super, biological efficiency, selectivity
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