Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article provides information on new findings of the dangerous but poorly studied pathogenic micromycete Dothistroma septosporum (Dorogin) M. Morelet, the causative agent of dothystromosis, or red spotting of pine needles. The data were obtained during observations of the phytosanitary condition of plantations in the forest fund of the Moscow Region in the period from 2020 to 2023. D. septosporum was identified for the first time in forest plantations of the Moscow region on a local breed, common pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). It has been established that the disease leads to a strong weakening of plants in crops of the first class of growth, as well as pine undergrowth. The information obtained is important for the timely detection of dothystromosis by forestry specialists and the development of an effective system of protective measures
common pine, Pinus sylvestris, fungal diseases of forest plantations, pathogenic micromycetes, dy-ing of needles, red spotting of pine needles, Dothistroma septosporum
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