Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The analysis of fire danger in the pine forests of the Suburban forestry of the Voronezh region, de-pending on the age group, composition and TLU, was carried out. A summary statement of the studied forest areas was compiled, a visual inspection was carried out and the categories of the sani-tary condition of the plantings were established, a class of natural fire danger was assigned. The da-ta analysis was carried out to determine the level of importance of forestry and taxation indicators in the event of a fire-hazardous situation in forests. The data obtained are confirmed by the Student's criterion (t). The factors that are of the greatest importance in determining the occurrence of a fire hazard situation in forest plantations have been identified. The study showed that the significance level of age takes values from 0.456 (fire hazard class I) to 0.239 (fire hazard class IV).

fire hazard, pine plantations, natural fire hazard class, forest fires

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