Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Traffic management in urban environments is a complex and time-consuming process. Constant congestion on city streets and the lack of available parking space only exacerbate the problems associated with traffic management. The use of modern technological solutions in traffic management is a promising area for solving urban problems. The use of data analytics obtained in real time contributes to the adoption of operational measures to eliminate traffic difficulties and improve the efficiency of the transport process.

traffic, data analytics, traffic management, parking, traffic jams

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6. Terent'ev, O. V. Primenenie intellektual'nyh sistem na avtomobil'nom transporte / O. V. Terent'ev, V. V. Terent'ev, A. V. Shemyakin // Innovacionnye resheniya v oblasti razvitiya transportnyh sistem i dorozhnoy infrastruktury: materialy Vserossiyskoy studencheskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii. Ryazan', 2023. S. 109-113.; EDN: https://elibrary.ru/PWMMXD

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