Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of development and research of energy recovery systems for tractors aggregated with forest tillage implements is substantiated. A promising design of a stand for testing and research of units and assemblies of transport and tillage machines and implements is proposed. The description of the main design elements of the proposed stand is given. The functional capabilities of the studied factors on the efficiency indicators of recuperative mounted systems of a tractor and recuperative drawbars of coupling devices of timber road trains are considered. The capabilities of the strain gauge equipment, video camera, as well as the system of sensors and a computer used in the stand, recording, processing and analyzing the information obtained during the study are presented.

stand, testing, energy recovery, mounted system, strain gauge, tractor, pneumatic-hydraulic accumulator, forestry disc implements, video filming, efficiency

1. Perspektivy razrabotki rekuperativnogo navesnogo mehanizma traktora s prisposobleniem dlya agregatirovaniya ego s lesnymi diskovymi orudiyami / V. I. Posmet'ev, V. O. Nikonov, M. A. Savinkov, E. V. Snyatkov // Problemy ekspluatacii i perspektivy razvitiya avtomobil'nogo transporta : Materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-tehnicheskoy konferencii, Voronezh, 05-06 oktyabrya 2023 goda / otv. redaktor V. O. Nikonov. – Voronezh, 2023. – S. 101-111. – DOIhttps://doi.org/10.58168/OPPRTD_101-111. EDN: https://elibrary.ru/ICWINN

2. Patent № 2488087 Rossiyskaya Federaciya, MPK G01M 17/00, G01M 99/00. Stend dlya ispytaniya predohranitel'nyh mehanizmov pochvoobrabatyvayuschih orudiy i izucheniya vliyaniya udarnyh nagruzok na navesnye mehanizmy traktorov : № 2012111379/11 : zayavl. 23.03.2012 ; opubl. 20.07.2013 / V. I. Posmet'ev, E. V. Snyatkov, A. S. Pustovalov ; zayavitel' i patentoobladatel' FGBOU VPO "VGLTA". – 6 s.

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