Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article provides an overview of the process of operation of the internal combustion engine, the release of harmful exhaust gases. When designing internal combustion engines, special attention was not paid to the negative effects, which are primarily environmental in nature, in particular, pollutants in exhaust gases, noise, leakage of working fluids, fuel consumption, consumption of raw materials for the production of components, production waste. The standards on environmental requirements for fuels are considered. A comparative analysis of fuel by environmental classes, the degree of harmfulness of individual components of exhaust gases and their determination by comparison with the harmfulness of carbon monoxide is given. Gorenje analyzes how the combustion process is influenced by thermal characteristics, shape and vortex properties of the combustion chamber and, above all, the method and quality of fuel injection. The Rules of the European Economic Commission, Directives on the use of fuels corresponding to environmental classes are given.
internal combustion engine, combustion chamber, thermal energy, environmental class, thermal characteristics, harmful emissions, vehicle, air pollution
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