Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Protective plantings in the conditions of the Central forest-steppe transform agricultural territories. Forest strips aged 40 - 41 years from pedunculate oak, Norway maple, small-leaved linden and silver birch form a blown structure. Silver birch affects the neighboring rows of pedunculate oak. Plantations of English oak and its companions Norway maple and small-leaved linden are the most stable and productive. With the joint growth of pedunculate oak, Norway maple, small-leaved linden and the introduction into the ranks of a fast-growing species at the age of 32-41 years shows that balsam poplar and silver birch occupy a dominant position in biometric indicators, where the differences are 1.2-1.7 times. English oak and its companions have a preservation rate of 44.5-70.1 %. Silvicultural and reclamation assessment of such plantings is 5b and 5b. Under the influence of forest strips, there is an increase in the yield of winter wheat in the amount of 2.5 - 4.5 c/ha.
protective plantings, growth, formation, productivity of landscapes.
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