Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Forest reclamation complexes provide protection of landscapes from adverse natural phenomena. In protective plantings with the participation of balsam poplar, English oak and Norway maple at the age of 22 - 50 years, according to biometric growth indicators, balsam poplar predominates, where the differences with satellites reach 20.3 - 37.7%. Separating the oak from the poplar rows with the maple reduces the influence of the fast-growing species. Forest strips with silver birch, pedunculate oak, Norway maple and small-leaved linden at the age of 45 years when placing plants 2.5 x 0.7 m for silvicultural and reclamation properties are assessed in terms of 5b. The influence of the fast-growing species on the growth of pedunculate oak is manifested, where its lowest preservation and biometric indicators are noted among the cultivated species. Plantings create a special microclimate during the growing season in the strip zones, which is positively manifested in the formation of bioproductivity. agricultural cenoses.

forest belts, growth, formation, agroecological role

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