Russian Federation
When carrying out landscaping works on highways, one should not ignore areas that pass through forests or areas that are adjacent to forests. After a number of measures, the aesthetic appearance of the forest on the road side becomes better than before. Special attention should be paid to landscape improvement of monotonous and monotonous forest edges, ridges and open areas. Improvement of open and semi-open forest areas can be achieved by additional plantings, whereby in some places additional plantings should be grouped around the existing most valuable trees, as if forming landscape tree and shrub groups. It is best to use fast-growing, light-loving and shade-tolerant species of trees and shrubs capable of creating artistic contrasts. It is preferable to create a more complex, irregular shape of the site, which will create greater scenic beauty, with calm relief. An important component is the herbaceous cover. Recommendations are intended for students in the areas of training 35.03.01, 35.04.01 Forestry and 35.03.10, 35.04.09 Landscape Architecture, as well as for specialists of research institutes and universities interested in the problems of interaction between forests and the environment, ecologists, specialists in the field of forestry and road maintenance departments and others.
recommendations, forest sites, open and semi-open landscape type, highways
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